Personal Questionnaire


Please fill out the below questionnaire about yourself as much as you can and as accurately as possible.  This personal questionnaire will be used to find out more about our family, to gather your contact information and to acquire family statistics.  Unique statistics will be announced at the reunion. You will receive one raffle ticket for completion of this questionnaire.


If you filled out the questionnaire for the 2005 reunion and the answer has not changed (ex: birthday, high school you graduated from, etc.), you may leave those blank. I still have those answers.

Please print or make a copy of this questionnaire for each member of your immediate family living at your address.


Due to Bernadette Manzano by August 15th but sooner the better.  Mail to:

Bernadette Manzano, 22012 Sevilla Rd. #110, Hayward CA 94541

Or Email to



Name  (First, Middle, Last)                                           _________________________

Date of Birth (ex: mon/date/year)                              _________________________


Place of Birth:                                      ________________________________________


Address:                                               ________________________________________


City:  _______________________                State: ___________  Zip: ______________________


Country: ____________           

Phone Number: (____) _____-______      Cell/Pager Number: (____) ____-______

Fax Number:   (____) ____-______

Email address: _____________________________________________________________




Spouse’s Name:                                              _________________________________


Wedding date:                                                _________________________________


Former Spouse’s Name:                                  _________________________________


Parent’s Names: _____________________________ & ____________________________

Parent’s Date of Birth: ________________________ & ____________________________


Parents-In-Law’s Names: __________________________ & ________________________


Children’s Names & Date of Birth:


__________________________________             __________________________________


__________________________________             __________________________________




Pets’ Name & Kind of Pet:                              __________________________________








Pre-High School

If applicable, what grade are you in?            __________________________________


High School

What High School did/do you go to?                        __________________________________

Where?                                                            __________________________________


Graduation Year:                                            __________________________________


List High School Achievements/Affiliations: (Homecoming Queen, Basketball Team, Class President, Debate Team, etc.)






What college did/do you go to?                   __________________________________


Major:                                                              __________________________________


Graduation Year:                                            __________________________________


List College Achievements/Affiliations:







What is your dream job?  ____________________________________________________






Do you work full time or part time?                __________________________________


Where?                                                            __________________________________


What industry?                                                            __________________________________


What is your title?                                            __________________________________



Are you retired?                                               __________________________________


When will you retire?                                       __________________________________




Please name your favorite:


Color: ____________________________  Kind of Music: ___________________________


Musician:  _________________________  Music Album: ___________________________


Actor: _____________________________ Actress: _________________________________


Movie: ____________________________ TV Show: ________________________________


Food: _____________________________ Filipino Dish: _____________________________


Ice Cream Flavor: __________________ Drink: ___________________________________


Alcoholic Drink: ____________________ Animal: _________________________________


Store to Shop: _____________________ Vacation Destination: ___________________


Sport to Watch: ___________________ Sport to Play: ____________________________


Athlete: ___________________________ Basketball Team: ________________________


Football Team: ____________________  Baseball Team: _________________________


Hockey Team: _____________________ Boxer: __________________________________


Book: ______________________________ Magazine: _____________________________


Thing to collect: ____________________________________________________________


Thing to do in your spare time: _______________________________________________


Season: ____________________________ Holiday: _______________________________




What political party do you consider yourself? ________________________________


What are your pet peeves? __________________________________________________




What is your most treasured possession? ______________________________________


What is your greatest achievement so far? ____________________________________





If you could have one person with you on a stranded island, who would that be?



What kind of car do you drive?  What year? ___________________________________


For what causes/organizations do you donate to? _____________________________


What is your greatest fear? ____________________________________________________


Do you have military experience? ____________


For which branch? __________________________ Still enlisted? ____________________


What is your greatest talent? _________________________________________________


If you could meet anyone dead or alive, who would that be and why? ________






What family moment will you never forget? ___________________________________






Which family member has played the most influential person in your life?




Other information that makes you stand out in this family: _____________________










Do you collect anything?  If so, what? ____________________________________


Do you smoke cigarettes? _______________________________________________

If you did, how long did you smoke for? __________________________________

The most you’ve paid for a concert ticket? _______________________________

Who was it for? _________________________________________________________

How many tattoos do you have? ________________________________________

What was your first tattoo of? ____________________________________________

Best movie you’ve seen in the past two years? ____________________________

Least expected event that has happened to you in the past two years?

