Family Recipe Book


Please send me a recipe to go in the 2005 Lagade Family Recipe Book.  Send in the unique recipe for your favorite dish, or a dish that we’ve been eating for years and should be passed on to the next generation.  Detailed step-by-step instructions, specific ingredients with exact measurements and photo(s) would be appreciated.  You will receive one raffle ticket for each recipe submitted.


A sample of the book will be at the Reunion and I will take orders on August 20th to see how many people would like.  The final cost of each book will be determined by how many recipes I receive.


Due to Bernadette Manzano by July 15th but sooner the better.   Mail to:

Bernadette Manzano, 22012 Sevilla Rd. #110, Hayward CA 94541

Or email to


Recipes Already Received: